How to install Asterisk server

Daniel Pocock daniel at
Thu Jun 22 00:01:10 UTC 2006

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

>On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 09:27:06PM +0530, Anoop Bisht wrote:
>>Please guide me how to install asterisk server in debian.
>For starters: apt-get install asterisk
>See README.Debian .
>The problem is that Asterisk is a rather versatile program (kind of like
>I'd wellcome some comments regarding a better default configuration of
>Asterisk in Debian.
Asterisk listens on many different ports (e.g. SIP, IAX, H.323), and 
potentially contains security holes or is more susceptible to some types 
of attack than more well tested code (e.g. Asterisk).

Nonetheless, the following approach might be useful:

1. Give the user a choice of `Manual' or `Assisted' configuration.
2. If `Manual' is chosen, leave all files as default values.  User has 
to set a RUNASTERISK=yes
3. If `Assisted' is chosen, then the user is able to choose a few simple 
a) selectively enable SIP and/or IAX - a note will inform the user that 
all other channels require manual config
b) enable or disable the demo

A more complex configuration tool might go one step further, and allow 
the user to define a group of sip.conf peers, and will then create the 
peer definitions and basic internal dial plan in extensions.conf

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