Bug#355524: asterisk: conflicts between asterisk & asterisk-classic

Kilian Krause kilian at debian.org
Mon Mar 6 09:54:49 UTC 2006


Am Montag, den 06.03.2006, 09:14 +0000 schrieb Richard Antony Burton:
> Package: asterisk
> Version: 1:1.2.4.dfsg-6
> Severity: normal
> After upgrading to the latest asterisk package I've noticed conflicts between
> the asterisk & asterisk-classic packages. Cron has started complaining everyday
> that asterisk log files are listed more than once for log rotation.
> It appears that both a & a-c provide a logrotate conf file to rotate the same
> log files.

This one shouldn't happen. Asterisk should only provide logrotate files
for each of asterisk-classic and asterisk-bristuff. The asterisk dummy
package itself shouldn't have any logrotate at all.

> I noticed in synaptic that the asterisk packages calls itself a "dummy package"
> so I though it could perhaps be removed as it had now pulled in the a-c package,
> but doing this deleted the asterisk userid and group.

This one is fixed in SVN. It'll be rolled out with the next upload.
Thanks for spotting it.

> I also noticed that both packages provide an init script, but I didn't look into
> what they both did, I'm guessing these overlap too?

This one aswell shouldn't happen. The init script is supposed to be
provided only by asterisk-classic and asterisk-bristuff.

What *might* have happened is that the old asterisk config files haven't
been purged and we might need to take care of this. I'll look to this
issue, but the new deb doesn't provide these files for sure.

Best regards,
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