SVN access problems

Kilian Krause kilian at
Thu Mar 9 13:08:11 UTC 2006


Am Donnerstag, den 09.03.2006, 10:31 +0100 schrieb Jan Janak:
> Mark and others,
> I have been trying to get access to the SVN repository for about a week but
> still without success. I am now pkg-voip project member and I uploaded my
> SSH keys to alioth a long time ago, but when I try to check out the
> repository using:
> svn co svn+ssh://

I just checked and the above URL works fine for me (using my login of

Logging in to costa and trying to run "id janakj-guest" is receiving a
timeout though. So I guess you should try and ask wiggy about where the
problem is with the -guest accounts. 

Tzafrir, is your login working ok right now?

Best regards,
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