Bug#357815: iax: not all source files are LGPLed

Kilian Krause kilian at debian.org
Sun Mar 19 20:01:46 UTC 2006


Am Sonntag, den 19.03.2006, 19:12 +0100 schrieb Julien BLACHE:
> > I am no longer using Asterisk and so have little use for iax; since you seem
> > to be actively working with this software, are you interested in adopting
> > iax?
> If somebody in pkg-voip-maintainers (Cc:ed) is interested in it, feel
> free to take it, otherwise I'll take it and include it in pkg-voip.

Go ahead. Once it's in SVN we all can add bits and pieces where needed,
so the important step is to import it. For me it largely makes sense to
have it in pkg-voip disregarding who's the primary developer working on

> I should find some time to do that this week (and import iaxmodem into
> SVN too).


Best regards,
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