Extending buildserver.net (debian/ ubuntu buildd environment)

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Tue May 9 16:25:37 UTC 2006

On Monday 08 May 2006 16:57, Kilian Krause wrote:
> The other overhead I'm currently also facing is the buildd-setup
> limitations with the current scripts. Bastian Blank and I are already
> preparing some new-style buildd code so that efforts can finally go into
> packaging rather than the buildd. The new code should fiddle correct
> versions of build-depends etc. itself and basically "just work". ;)

Are you really deeply changing the way buildd works or it's just a set of 
extensions? Would be *awesome* to have some cross-building support this time.

Wouter Verhelst (@debian.org) talked a bit about the problems concerning 
cross-building in the current state of buildd in the debian-superh mailing 
list (SuperHitachi port: check the very recent archive if you're interested)

caio[1982] begotti

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