Bug#366844: siproxd doesn't work on amd64 without 64bit patches
from upstream
Simon Huggins
huggie at earth.li
Thu May 11 15:18:22 UTC 2006
Package: siproxd
Version: 0.5.11-2
Severity: important
Upstream have shipped some 64bit improvements which actually make
siproxd work on amd64.
Using the same config file and running siproxd 0.5.11-2 I could only get
it to work inside my ia32 chroot (i.e. the i386 package) not the amd64
Upstream have fixed this as when I put the debian directory inside the
0.5.13 tarball (actually the tarball from
http://home.tiscalinet.ch/ries//siproxd/siproxd-11May2006.tar.gz ) and
rebuilt it, it worked natively.
They've basically changed some ints to size_ts. As this makes siproxd
unusable for me I'd love for you to release the latest CVS to unstable.
I figure there are probably enough DDs behind the
pkg-voip-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org alias but if anyone needs
an upload sponsored into the archive to fix this, I'm happy to help.
----------( - I've set my laser from stun to kill )----------
----------( - Ah, great, great. If anyone attacks us we )----------
Simon ----( can blink them to death -- Toy Story )---- Nomis
Htag.pl 0.0.22
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