Bug#386052: Re: Bug#386052: Got it working: Optimization problem

Cybaer cybaer42 at web.de
Sun Nov 12 22:05:29 CET 2006

I did the patches in zaptel-source /usr/src/modules/zaptel, not zaptel,

As you can see in the last post I am using a standard Debian
2.6.18-2-486, so there should not be any preemtable kernel stuff in it.
FPU is used.

I can check if it works because a call to outbound comes back from
outbound and - because my phone is used the voicemail is popped up (this
does not matter - simple rules in extensions.conf).

The VIA Epia chips are almost i586 compatible processors - but only
almost: there are 2-3 processor i586 codes which do not work. VIA Epia
chips have problems with optimizations because of these opcodes. So - if
I play with the -Os and it then works it is

* a problem with the optimizations
* voodoo

if I do nothing (use the original optimization flags) I cannot call
outbound as described before.

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