Bug#388756: zaptel-source: wct4xxp and other modules are not built anymore on zaptel-1.2.8.dfsg-1

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Mon Oct 9 03:10:37 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 03 October 2006 00:16, Alessandro Polverini wrote:
> >From what I see, would it be possible to have a useful (i.e.: complete)
> > package of zaptel-source in the non-free archive?
> That would be enough for me.


I would be happy to move zaptel to non-free.

However it appears that the firmware doesn't do a whole lot, except for a very 
limited set of users:

 "The module is completely usable without the firmware, as long as the user 
does not have the optional Octasic module on their TE4XXP card (and most 
users do not have those modules)."

I should thus be able to remove the firmware and get the wct4xxp module built 
within the package.. So everyone should be happy..

The reason why the wct4xxp module was removed, was I didn't realise it could 
be built without the firmware and didn't require it for operation.

I'll see what I can do and get something uploaded soon..


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