new asterisk 1.4 debs

Thiago Martins thiago at
Mon Oct 9 17:14:40 UTC 2006


 I have a draft of packages of "asterisk 1.4 beta suite", two of then
(libpri and zaptel) with CDBS, asterisk-1.4 and addons without CDBS
(just test).

 Zaptel needs a litte patch to install all stuff under a fakeroot
environment (DESTDIR).

 This is just a draft, there is no build-deps, no DFSG, no init script
and description, but it works for me. And I have created this packages
to learn about CDBS...

 Get it at:


Em Sáb, 2006-10-07 às 23:55 -0300, Caio Begotti escreveu:
> Thiago Martins, Friday 06 October 2006 17:39:
> > I have packages called libpri1.4, zaptel1.4 and I now working on
> > asterisk1.4, all based on CDBS.
> > You like to see?!
> Hello Thiago,
> Since it's a common interest I am cc'ing the pkg-voip list... but 
> yeah, I'd really like to see your .diff.gz. Where we can get that?
> PS: pode falar em português quando for pvt, se preferir

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