Bug#391840: marked as done (ztcfg segfaults because of -O4)

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Tue Oct 10 14:07:52 UTC 2006

reopen 391840

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 01:30:39PM +0200, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Is the problem fixed?

No, that didn't do it.  exporting CFLAGS from debian/rules doesn't help, because
-O4 is appended after -fno-inline-functions, overriding its behaviour.  You
really need to patch the Makefile.

Besides, after reporting the bug I found the same problem (segfault at same
place, with same stack layout) can still be reproduced with other commands
(ztcfg -d 99), even with -O2.  -O0 seems to solve that, but I'll try to nail it
down to the culprit flag (that'll be later, I'm busy atm).

> Is it indeed a reproducable problem?

See if you can reproduce it.  My zaptel.conf is the same as default, plus this
line at the end:


I'm running on amd64.

> > diff -ur zaptel- zaptel-
> > --- zaptel-     2006-02-01 03:33:54.000000000 +0100
> > +++ zaptel- 2006-10-08 21:22:27.000000000 +0200
> > @@ -929,6 +929,8 @@
> >                         if (ind_ioctl(x,fd,ZT_RADIO_GETPARAM,&p) == -1)
> >                                 error("Cannot get number of tones for channel %d\n",x);
> >                         n = p.data;
> > +                       if (n > NUM_TONES)
> > +                               error("Too many tones for channel %d: %d\n",x,n);
> >                         p.radpar = ZT_RADPAR_INITTONE;
> >                         if (ind_ioctl(x,fd,ZT_RADIO_SETPARAM,&p) == -1)
> >                                 error("Cannot init tones for channel %d\n",x);

Too bad this doesn't seem to detect anything :(.  I suspect the code has been
messed up^W^Woptimised by gcc in a way that the stack becomes broken, and hence
the backtrace output is not reliable.  Not sure though, I get pretty confused
when it comes to these things.


Robert Millan

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