asterisk 1.4

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Thu Sep 14 12:38:59 UTC 2006

It seems that we will have Asterisk 1.4 by October. Let's assume that
this will be late October. Do we want it in Etch?

My main considerations are the ability to support the codebase for a
long period of time. For most of the life of Sarge the upstream release
was 1.2 and the Debian release was 1.0 . Upstream (Digium) gave
almost zero attention to 1.0. I expect that 1.2 will be "abandoned" in a
similar manner shortly after 1.4 is released.

So: is there anybody/anything that really needs new features from
Asterisk 1.4? userconf seems really useful for me. The new config system
would have looked handy if we didn't have the bristuff patch on our

Tzafrir Cohen         sip:tzafrir at
icq#16849755          iax:tzafrir at
+972-50-7952406          jabber:tzafrir at
tzafrir.cohen at

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