[Pkg-voip-commits] r4012 - asterisk/trunk/debian

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Tue Aug 14 19:30:09 UTC 2007

tags 435146 help

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, Kilian Krause wrote:
> wee, don't do that. Please. Let's try and find out why that is, but
> don't exclude it unless we choose to settle for chan_woomera or one of
> the other H.323-channels of asterisk alone.

I'm happy to wait, but I'm a bit concerned with all the 
security updates that have gone to asterisk, especially 1.4,
but lenny and etch are both stuck at 1:1.2.13~dfsg-2, which is
very. old..

Anyway I won't upload, but it is also well beyond me to resolve,
the backtrace from #435146 doesn't seem to provide much
in the way of indicators..

If you think the issue is resolvable, then good, but I know we haven't had a
good track record with asterisk-h323, the module was empty for quite a while
as it didn't co-exist with libopenh323 well, and we do have the asterisk-oh323
thanks to your recent work with that...

Anyway let me know what you think, if we can resolve then lets include, 
but if not then perhaps we should not ship the package until we can resolve.


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