Bug#433779: asterisk doesn't work correctly after boot

Hasse Hagen Johansen hasse-debianbug at hagenjohansen.dk
Sun Aug 26 15:19:38 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Faidon" == Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org> writes:

    >> configured by dhcp yet)
    Faidon> This sounds like the registration to the SIP servers fails
    Faidon> (because networking isn't quite working at that point) and
    Faidon> never attempted again.

    Faidon> What's the value of registertimeout and registerattempts
    Faidon> (if existent) on your sip.conf?

I am using the sample conf files which I have changed a little bit, so
it seems it is the defaults of


    Faidon> Can you paste us a "sip show registry" from the Asterisk
    Faidon> console at the point that the incoming calls fail?

At the Asterisk I get this:(1001 is my sip phone). It seems I get one
timeout and then it registrates, but I still get the failure tone when
calling in

-- Registered SIP '1001' at port 5060 expires 300
Aug 26 17:06:21 NOTICE[2633]: chan_sip.c:5429 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '<my-phone-number>@musimi.dk' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
deckard*CLI> sip show registry
Host                            Username       Refresh State               
musimi.dk:5060                  <my username>  285 Registered

    Faidon> If it is registered but the call is not coming through,
    Faidon> could you "set verbose 10" and try calling in and paste us
    Faidon> the output?

deckard*CLI> set verbose 10
Verbosity was 3 and is now 10
    -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host sip.musimi.dk, port 5060
deckard*CLI> sip show registry
Host                            Username       Refresh State               
musimi.dk:5060                  <my usernmae>  285 Registered

I just made a sip show registry to be sure it was still registered

I actually don't think I will be using the debian packages as it seems
that the version of asterisk in debian doesn't work with Danish CID(I am also
using a fxo card)

Please feel free asking about more info. I will keep the packages
installed until we have finished debuging


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