CONFIRM f5de922894ab5874610cf133a535a724

Debian Package Tracking System pts at
Sat Aug 18 12:30:43 UTC 2007


you asked to be unsubscribed from the "mailing list"[1] associated to
the Debian source package called exiv2. To complete this process, you
have to reply to this mail by including this command:
CONFIRM f5de922894ab5874610cf133a535a724

On any modern mailer, you just have to hit reply and send the mail.

If you don't understand why you got this mail, please ignore it,
you won't be unsubscribed unless you confirm it.

If you have any problem with this service, please contact
owner at


[1] This list receives all the bug reports (and the corresponding logs)
    for the package "exiv2" that are sent to the Debian
    Bug Tracking System.

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