IAXmodem Modem support

Ken Page vk4akp at yahoo.com.au
Mon Dec 10 16:13:01 UTC 2007

Hi, Myself and many others would be very keen to see the normal Modem modes added to your iaxmodem project.

At present it only supports fax modes. 

One of our idea's is to use it as a way of passing cheap (free) internet, email, and other services to poorer area's in the world via the normal dial up processes.

Ken Page. [VK4AKP]
P.O.Box 3061, West Ipswich 4305. Australia.
Email: vk4akp at yahoo.com.au
Instant Message Services
ICQ# 57282091
MSN Messenger# vk4akp at hotmail.com
Yahoo Messenger# vk4akp at yahoo.com.au
AOL# 136334164
PH: 07-3121-9646 (Pennytel DID) [ENUM registered].
MOB: 0411-260-740 (Optus Mobile).
SipBroker: *061-854-257
DirectIP: 854257 at voxalot.com
HorseCHAT: *393-845-256 / 845256 at fwd.pulver.com (Free to use, spread the word).
Radio Voice.
Monitoring 2 Meters - VX 146.725 -Neg, VK4RKP (Mt Crosby). EchoLink Node# 7878
UHF CB Base Selcall#: 13493, Mobile Selcall# 12476, Scanning Channels1-10.
Packet Mail: vk4akp at vk4wip
WIA Examiner # AE 879.
VK4RKP ATV 444.25Mhz VSB, (Below SBS on your TV tuner).
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