Bug#407996: minor init script output issue

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Sun Feb 11 04:42:08 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 08:50:13PM +0000, Tristan Hill wrote:
> Package: zaptel
> Version: 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1
> Severity: minor
> when running /etc/init.d/zaptel start with missing devices:
> + /sbin/ztcfg
> ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 4: No such device or address (6)
> + echo -n /sbin/ztcfg 'failed. Check' /etc/zaptel.conf
> /sbin/ztcfg failed. Check /etc/zaptel.conf
> + echo zaptel.
> zaptel.
> "echo zaptel." shouldn't be run when ztcfg fails?

The problem is that we don't really know that ztcfg has failed:

      $DAEMON $DAEMON_OPTS || echo -n $DAEMON "failed. Check" $ZAPCONF_FILE
      echo "$NAME."

DAEMON here is ztcfg. This bug should probably wait until we have a
better way of running ztcfg at startup.

               Tzafrir Cohen       
icq#16849755                    jabber:tzafrir at jabber.org
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com       
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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