Bug#411850: zaptel install on vserver: mknod : operation not permitted

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at mamane.lu
Fri Feb 23 22:28:10 UTC 2007

severity 411850 serious

On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 02:28:00PM +0200, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> The relevant part from the postinst script:

>         if ! echo $DYNFS | grep -q devfsd || echo $DYNFS | grep -q udevd ; then
> 		mkdir -p /dev/zap
> 		rm -f /dev/zap/ctl

> 		mknod /dev/zap/ctl c 196 0

> That mknod is in itself a violation of policy section 10.6 (the package
> has mknod-in-maintainer-script in a lintian overrides file).

This makes it a serious bug; policy says:

 If a package needs any special device files that are not included in
 the base system, it must call MAKEDEV in the postinst script, after
 notifying the user[60].

Given that MAKEDEV doesn't know about zaptel devices, I wonder how the
package is supposed to do it. Should we file a bug against makedev and
depend on the version that includes the right one?

> It is also unneccesary on systems with either udev or devfs.

At first sight, it seems to be skipped on udev/devfs systems (if DYNFS
contains what it should...):

 if ! echo $DYNFS | grep -q devfsd || echo $DYNFS | grep -q udevd ; then


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