RTPProxy version / package

Jerome Martin jmartin at longphone.fr
Thu Jan 11 12:03:25 CET 2007


>   I wrote rtpproxy manpage some time ago and that's the only doc I am
>   aware of. Try to ask Maxim Sobolev.

OK, I'll try that.
BTW, _THANKS_ for writing the manpage, it's really nice someone took
that in charge ! 

>   There is a port range defined in the sources and rtpproxy would
>   allocate ports in that port range only. Make sure you do not run out
>   of available ports (try bigger port range and recompile rtpproxy). I
>   don't think this problem is caused by UNIX domain sockets.

I doubt port starvation is the cause, rtpproxy gives a '0' port number
even with only 50 sessions, and the default port range is more like
10/15k available ports (and I don't have any other apps using up my UDP
ports on that server). Thanks for trying anyway :-)

As a sidenote, I notice now that you Cc:'ed pkg-voip-maintainers, so I'm
taking up the opportunity to ask : would you be interested by m4
integration in the default initscripts ? I'm doing this in my custom
packages, so maybe I could send my initscripts and example config ?
Also, I noticed that the last openser upstream CVS defaults to unix
sockets, at least in the sarge debian/openser.defaults. Should we try to
talk about it in the openser-devel ? Also, there was a suggestion to
split the packages/{debian,*} dirs out of main CVS, maybe that would be
a good opportunity for the voip team at alioth to take over and
contribue that part (if it's not already planned) ?

I'd like to get more involved both in debian packaging for
openser/rtpproxy and openser upstream, but how all this works is still a
bit foggy to me (relationship between upstream and pkg teams, etc.).

Best Regards,
Jerome Martin

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