Asterisk 1.4 + bristuff

Kilian Krause kilian at
Sat Jul 21 11:30:44 UTC 2007


On Sat, Jul 21, 2007 at 10:07:07AM +0100, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Could I suggest rather than uploading direct to trunk for now, lets
> create an asterisk/branches/bristuff repo and upload with your quilt
> implementation of asterisk+bristuff and if we are confortable we upload 
> to experimental in the first instance. So we can have a look at how it works..

I'd rather see it be asterisk/branches/experimental and have it commited
to the snapshots/pkg-voip-config. That'll get it autobuilt in so that we also have a good feedback what works on which
arch and what does not. In that case the %dists should be set to
%dists_experimental. (Yes, I know they're not yet autobuild, but I'll
fix that really soon hopefully).

Personally I'm inclined to not go to experimental but rather to unstable
directly and sort it out there, yet sure experimental is a good ground
to make sure we're doing the right thing.

Best regards,
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