[Pkg-voip-commits] r3808 - asterisk/trunk/debian

Faidon Liambotis paravoid at debian.org
Sun Jul 22 07:12:34 UTC 2007

[switching to -maintainers instead of -commits]

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> * Move examples from all packages (debian/examples) to asterisk-config only.
> Actually I would consider having them in the main package only, in case
> the -config package is replaced by a custom one.
I thought a lot about it, whether I should put them in asterisk-doc, 
asterisk-config or asterisk.
My rationale was about asterisk-doc is developer documentation, not user 
one. Configuration examples and other user stuff (e.g. AGI, manager 
interface) do not belong here

I decided against asterisk-config because I presume that if someone is 
going to replace the package with a custom one, he knows what he's 
doing, he doesn't need the examples. Having the examples installed would 
just increase the cruft installed.

OTOH, I fail to see the exact benefits of asterisk-config, so if you do 
and think that the examples belong in the Asterisk package, by all means 
move them.

>> Deleted: asterisk/trunk/debian/asterisk-bristuff.install
> Is asterisk-bristuff a separate subpackage? Are we back to
> double-packaging? Wasn't this about applying the patch to the package?
No and no, not yet.
The file existed even though it's not used.
It's a cleanup :-)

If we decide to split packaging again, we can reintroduce it, it's under 
version control.


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