zaptel-firmware package and dependencies

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Wed Jul 25 13:23:06 UTC 2007

The tarball of Zaptel includes several firmwares:
* For Digium cards: for hardware echo canceller modules and such.
* For the Xorcom devices: USB and FPGA firmwares.

In zaptel 1.4 some of the Digium firmwares are not included in the
tarball, and are downloaded only in the install target.

Those firmwares are arch-independent (run on some
processor/fpga/whatever on the device). Their license allows
redistribution but the source is not included, and hence they are not
included in main.

However some people are interested in using them (some of them are even
known to be our customers). What I'd like to do is to use a recent
version of zaptel with zaptel-source/zaptel-modules(-kernelver) and to
provide the user a zaptel-firmware package of the appropriate version. I
wonder if it is possible to do without rebuilding a modified zaptel
package myself.

The first problem is that the version numbers are different, so I can't
use easily an automatic relation to the original Debian package.

               Tzafrir Cohen       
icq#16849755                    jabber:tzafrir at
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at  iax:guest at

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