Because Visual Basic 2005 has great support for COM Interop, the process for automating word is straightforward.

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Also note that (at least on this European version) Sony has dropped the
annoying WWAN antenna that hung off the side of the VAIO TXN17. Learn
how toModernize and simplify installation of Visual Basic 6.
'Activate the document first axDoc.
Hint: if you can't figure out how to stop the slide show, wave your
pointer over the lower center part of the screen and some clickable
buttons appear. Interop to the top of any module, form, or class that
contains Word automation code. Doesn't Length - 1 give a bounds checking
JIT optimization? This offer is available only to professionals employed
in the area of software development who attend any two Visual Basic 2005
Labcasts and submit the evaluation form for each session.
The easiest-to-set-up DataSource is a Microsoft Office Address List
(this is what the sample uses).
To automate Word  Create a word application object.
ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, said on
Thursday that it would begin accepting applications for new suffixes
early next year. Learn three useful methods for populating Word
documents with data.
NET Framework, including the VB runtime (Microsoft. (11 printed pages)
Download the associated WordAutomationSample. 0 is a free add-in that
simplifies the process of displaying . What's in the Sample?

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