Bug#438702: Asterisk v1.4.9~dfsg-1 Crashed

Faidon Liambotis paravoid at debian.org
Tue Sep 11 14:18:31 UTC 2007

Sorry for the late response.

GNUbie wrote:
> In addition to the previous information I sent to you regarding the
> Asterisk crash problem, below is the output of the backtrace of the core
> dump file I uploaded for you:

This backtrace is useless because you produced it without installing
asterisk-dbg first.
However, you did manage to crash asterisk with a binary package I was
able to obtain as well and I've managed to produce a useful backtrace
that we need to forward to upstream and/or fix the bug ourselves.

I don't have for either at the moment; I hope I will have the necessary
time in ~2 weeks.
In the mean time, may be someone else from the team (or not) wants to
help solve this bug.
For that reason and for reference, I'm attaching the backtraces (bt, bt
full, thread apply all bt) here.

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