Patching asterisk

Victor Seva linuxmaniac at
Thu Apr 24 07:25:00 UTC 2008

Florian Hackenberger wrote:
> Could someone please give me a few hints about how to apply a 
> modification and rebuild the package? 
There is a good document about that [0]

# tell quilt where are the patches files
export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches
# aply all patches
quilt push -a
# create the new patch
quilt new name_of_the_new_patch
# tell quilt that you are going to modify a file/s
quilt add name_of_the_patched_file
# modify that file/s
# create the patch file
quilt refresh

|   ,''`.                                             Victor Seva |
|  : :' :                      linuxmaniac at |
|  `. `'                                   PGP Key ID: 0xDD12F253 |
|    `-                        Debian user, admin and contributor |

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