asterisk: a flood of "Avoiding initial deadlock for channel"-messages
Michael Loeffler
michael.loeffler at
Thu Apr 24 14:55:21 UTC 2008
i have a problem with asterisk and i have no solution yet. I searched but found nothing that would help me with this problem.
Once in a while, asterisk starts to log these messages, many of
them... It can produce more then 40 gigabyte logfiles in some hours,
it uses nearly 380% CPU (Quad-Core system). I don't know how to debug
this, but i think this is some sort of deadlock.
It happens at two different companies in Austria, both connected with
digium cards (te121 and te122) to the telekom austria. One of these
companies has only inbound calls, Hotlines for their customers. There
are maybe 6 computers with softphones (iaxcomm) and if a customer
calls the Hotline number, he is placed into a queue and asterisk
tries to call these iaxcomm phones. They have this problem somewhere
between 1 and 5 times a week. The Asterisk-Server is a Core2Quad
Machine with Intel Chipset (Acer Veriton T661).
The other company is a callcenter doing outbound calls for their
customers, they had this today for the first time. They have 20
computers running debian etch with Ekiga and a local webserver (perl
+ Net::Telnet + HTTP::Daemon) that connects to the manager-interface
to start/hangup calls via Origin and Hangup. They have a AMD Athlon
(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+.
The Asterisk-Packages are slightly modified and
1.4.17~dfsg-2 packages. They are the packages from sid, built for
debian etch and there is a 2 little patches added (attached to this
email) that just fix a little problem with the manager-interface (now
it disconnects the client instead of sending corrupted messages).
These patches do not affect the core of asterisk, just the manager-
interface - but i'm not sure.
Any ideas what i should do?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Loeffler
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