Bug#461735: Bug #461735: twinkle: freezes when using a bluetooth headset both ways

Frédéric Brière fbriere at fbriere.net
Sat Aug 2 01:07:39 UTC 2008

On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 05:56:29AM -0500, Frédéric Brière wrote:
> Twinkle locks up when placing a call if using a bluetooth headset (ALSA:
> other device) as both speaker and microphone.  It works fine for one
> role or the other, though.

I should point out that I have not encountered this bug since, either
with the old bluetooth-alsa or the new bluez-audio.  Whatever it was, it
was probably either a fluke or fixed long ago.

I'm reluctant to do anything with this bug report, since I'm no longer
the only participant.  But as far as I'm concerned, you have my blessing
if you either want to close this bug, or tag it unreproducible.

<Overfiend> penis jokes are okay in mixed company.  VMS is NOT!!!

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