Question: Twinkle and ZRTP

Alejandro Cabrera Obed acabrera at
Fri Aug 8 14:06:14 UTC 2008

Dear Twinkle team support,

I use Debian Etch with Twinkle 0.9-6 and libzrtpcpp-0.9-0 -2 (both
stable packages).

When I use these clients with an Asterisk SIP server (routing SIP and
RTP traffic through it), sometimes I can see the SAS (short
authentication string) and after accepting I see the lockpad encrypting
the call...but other times I can't see the SAS neither the lockpad, so
encryption fails.

Is Twinkle+libzrtrp compatible with Asterisk ??? What's the trick ???

Special thanks,


Ing. Alejandro Cabrera Obed
Sistema de Identificacion Nacional Tributario y Social
Consejo Nacional de Coordinacion de Politicas Sociales
Presidencia de la Nacion
Julio A. Roca 782 - Piso 5
Ciudad Autonoma de Bs. As.
Tel: (54 11) 4343-0181/89 interno 5172
4334-3676 4342-5648
acabrera at

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