Bug#475601: pwlib-titan needs to be binNMU'd on sparc

Jurij Smakov jurij at wooyd.org
Sat Aug 23 19:14:10 UTC 2008


It appears that pwlib-titan version currently in unstable got 
miscompiled on sparc somehow, that's currently causing RC build 
failures of gnugk (#478502, note that this fails on a number of 
architectures, so other people should test whether rebuilding 
pwlib-titan on failing arches fixes it) and openh323-titan (#475601). 
I have rebuilt pwlib-titan with the current sid toolchain, installed 
the resulting packages in the sid chroot and was able to successfully 
build both gnugk and openh323-titan. Please binNMU pwlib-titan on 
sparc (or let me know if I should do it myself), that should fix two 
outstanding RC bugs.

Jurij Smakov                                           jurij at wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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