I want to contribute

Fabio Balzano fabio.balzano at elfaronetworks.com
Wed Aug 27 18:48:46 UTC 2008

Hello, I am Fabio Balzano,
I write from Italy, I use debian sinc 1999
and currentli I am system administrator of different
systems for my customers all debian based.
I also made VOIP systems asterisk based with
custom modifications and c modules.

I want to help Debian and

*I can:

-write bash scripts
-write python applications
-perl basic level
-c basic level
-write html pages
-translate docs
-try to fix bugs
-VOIP expert (asterisk...)
I need some advice where I can start, and where
I can find a contact to receive first job.

El Faro Networks 
di Fabio Balzano
Via Villa 6
Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
20099 - Italy

P.IVA:  05546250969 (VAT NUMBER)
C.F.:   BLZ FBA 77 B16H 612D
R.E.A.: 1831670 (MI)

mobile: +39 3348792454
phone:  +39 0297373797
fax:	+39 02700533410

mail:   fabio.balzano at elfaronetworks.com

gtalk:	fabiodive at gmail.com
skype1:	fabiodive
skype2:	elfaronetworks
msn:	support at elfaronetworks.com

Key fingerprint:
B0B6 08AF 7BC9 9840 A8F6  B27A B3BB 8837 0C7C 9579

** Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente **

** Think about the environment before printing **

Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazioni
contenute in questo messaggio sono riservate ed a uso 
esclusivo del destinatario. Qualora il messaggio in parola
le fosse pervenuto per errore, La invitiamo ad eliminarlo
senza copiarlo e a non inoltrarlo a terzi, dandocene 
gentilmente comunicazione a support at elfaronetworks.com.



El Faro Networks Email Disclaimer:

This is an email from El Faro Networks. The contents of
this email are confidential to the user of the email
address to which it was addressed. No-one else may copy
or forward all or any of it in any form. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the authors and
do not necessarily represent those of El Faro Networks
or any of it's affiliates.

If you receive this email in error, we should be obliged
if you would email to support at elfaronetworks.com

Thank you


El Faro Networks 
di Fabio Balzano
Via Villa 6
Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
20099 - Italy

P.IVA:  05546250969 (VAT NUMBER)
C.F.:   BLZ FBA 77 B16H 612D
R.E.A.: 1831670 (MI)

mobile: +39 3348792454
phone:  +39 0297373797
fax:	+39 02700533410

mail:   fabio.balzano at elfaronetworks.com

gtalk:	fabiodive at gmail.com
skype1:	fabiodive
skype2:	elfaronetworks
msn:	support at elfaronetworks.com

Key fingerprint:
B0B6 08AF 7BC9 9840 A8F6  B27A B3BB 8837 0C7C 9579

** Prima di stampare, pensa all'ambiente **

** Think about the environment before printing **

Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazioni
contenute in questo messaggio sono riservate ed a uso 
esclusivo del destinatario. Qualora il messaggio in parola
le fosse pervenuto per errore, La invitiamo ad eliminarlo
senza copiarlo e a non inoltrarlo a terzi, dandocene 
gentilmente comunicazione a support at elfaronetworks.com.



El Faro Networks Email Disclaimer:

This is an email from El Faro Networks. The contents of
this email are confidential to the user of the email
address to which it was addressed. No-one else may copy
or forward all or any of it in any form. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the authors and
do not necessarily represent those of El Faro Networks
or any of it's affiliates.

If you receive this email in error, we should be obliged
if you would email to support at elfaronetworks.com

Thank you


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