undefined symbol: parse_orig_uri ser-acc-radius-module (0.9.7-1)

Robert Borz robert.borz at web.de
Thu Dec 25 15:47:17 UTC 2008


I think there's an issue with the ser-acc-radius-module (0.9.7-1) package. Trying to load the acc_radius.so module within my ser.cfg shows up the following error and ser doesn't start:
ERROR: load_module: could not open module </usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so>: /usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so: undefined symbol: parse_orig_uri

Searching the web I found that it seems the function name of parse_orig_uri has changed to parse_orig_ruri, so I downloaded the source (apt-get source ser-acc-radius-module), changed the references in acc.c, uncommented the the lines in the Makefile of modules/acc subdirectory regarding to the radius support and compiled the acc.so module with radius support (calling make in the modules/acc directory). Substituting the acc_radius.so installed by the ser-acc-radius-module package with the new one fixed the error for me.

This error isn't specific for the ser-acc-radius-module package, it also concerns the regular acc.so module shipped with the regular ser package without radius support.

Without fixing the issue this package wouldn't be of any use with Lenny. ;-)

I attached a patchfile for this. Please feel free to ask any question you have...

Robert Borz
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