Build of zaptel-modules 1.4.9 fails with m-a under linux 2.6.24

C. Chad Wallace cwallace at
Fri Feb 29 21:01:39 UTC 2008

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Ignore my previous reply. zaptel builds fine now from svn-buildpackage.
> To also build zaptel-modules from it:
>   svn-buildpackage --svn-postbuild='debian/modulestest -r'
> It will not build as a a package right now as there are some symlinks
> that don't fit in the diff. 
> But this is not what you reported.
> 'll look into vzaphfc.

I got the same error in pkg-voip/build-area/var_cache_modass/*buildlog*
when I ran that command to build.

If the modules build just fine for you, but not for me, that leads me to
think it's a missing dependency--something you have installed, but I
don't.  Although, if that were the case, I would expect to see an
"Include file not found" error.

I'll go try building the upstream zaptel directly, and see where that
gets me.


cc -Wall
The Lodging Company
OpenPGP Public Key ID: 0x262208A0

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