Build of zaptel-modules 1.4.9 fails with m-a under linux 2.6.24

C. Chad Wallace cwallace at
Fri Feb 29 22:41:36 UTC 2008

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 01:01:39PM -0800, C. Chad Wallace wrote:
>> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> I got the same error in pkg-voip/build-area/var_cache_modass/*buildlog*
>> when I ran that command to build.
>> If the modules build just fine for you, but not for me, that leads me to
>> think it's a missing dependency--something you have installed, but I
>> don't.  Although, if that were the case, I would expect to see an
>> "Include file not found" error.
>> I'll go try building the upstream zaptel directly, and see where that
>> gets me.
> I think you have already suggested that that build dependency is:
>   linux-headers << 2.6.24
> I have tested building on 2.6.22. I'll try 2.6.24 later on.

Right, of course...  I was just assuming you had tried 2.6.24.  And I
haven't tried any earlier kernels, either, since my brand new
motherboard requires 2.6.24. :-(

But I did some reading, and found that SET_MODULE_OWNER had been
deprecated at some point in 2.6, and is now completely removed from 2.6.24.

So, I copied a #if from zaptel-base.c to vzaphfc.c's use of
SET_MODULE_OWNER (patch attached), and it fixed that error...  I'm not
sure if that's the right fix in that situation, and now other errors
have cropped up:

  CC [M]  /usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.o
/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.c: In function ‘setup_lapd’:
/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.c:28: error: ‘struct
net_device’ has no member named ‘hard_header’
/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.c:29: error: ‘struct
net_device’ has no member named ‘rebuild_header’
/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.c:31: error: ‘struct
net_device’ has no member named ‘hard_header_cache’
/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.c:32: error: ‘struct
net_device’ has no member named ‘header_cache_update’
make[5]: *** [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/lapd.o] Error 1

I've attached the buildlog as well, in case you might find it helpful.


cc -Wall
The Lodging Company
OpenPGP Public Key ID: 0x262208A0

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