Plans for chan_lcr in asterisk 1.4.xx?

Victor Seva linuxmaniac at
Mon Nov 3 09:23:01 UTC 2008

Lee Garrett wrote:

> Hello there,
> I was wondering if there is any work going on to add chan_lcr  
> functionality to
> the asterisk debian package. As I've upgraded my system to 2.6.27 I'm
> interested in getting mISDN V2 working with asterisk.
> I've already updated the misdn-user source package to 1.1.20, but I  
> don't want
> to put to much effort in it with asking first. Is somebody working  
> on such
> packages to get chan_lcr working in asterisk yet? If yes, where to  
> get them?
> If no, is somebody interested in coordinating this work with me?

I'm using misdn at work and I want a working chan_lcr for asterisk.
Please take me into account if you need help.

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