freepbx-modules Grouping

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Mon Nov 3 17:34:00 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 04:57:00PM +0000, Daniel Watkins wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been thinking about what to do with freepbx-modules, and I think
> Faidon's suggetion of 'grouping' modules makes sense.  I would suggest
> that we have two source packages for the modules: one for the core
> modules required to get FreePBX running, and one for the other modules.
> This would be in addition to the packages built by the freepbx source
> package.  The core modules would build only a single binary package,
> freepbx-plugins-core, which an appropriate package built by the freepbx
> source package could then depend on.  The latter would build a few
> binary packages, with modules grouped together.
> The modules included in freepbx-core would be all those in the 'Basic'
> category in the FreePBX module system, with the exception of the
> language packs, which would get their own package:
>       * System Dashboard (dashboard),
>       * Feature Code Admin (featurecodeadmin),
>       * FreePBX ARI Framework (fw_ari),
>       * FreePBX FOP Framework (fw_fop),
>       * Voicemail (voicemail),
>       * Core (core), and
>       * FreePBX Framework (framework).
> The reason for having two source packages, is that it will allow us to
> get working FreePBX packages into Debian much faster than if we're
> trying to get all 50-odd modules in at the same time.

Though it means repackaging upstream tarballs (no, I don't have a better 

> As for the grouping of the modules in "freepbx-modules", it's slightly
> more complex.  If the upstream groupings were used, then almost all
> setups would have to install all of the packages, rendering it
> pointless.  As such, I tentatively suggest the following, roughly based
> on the upstream groupings:
>       * freepbx-modules-asterisk:
>               * Asterisk Logfiles (logfiles),
>               * Asterisk Info (asteriskinfo), 
>               * Asterisk CLI (asterisk-cli), and
>               * Asterisk API (manager)
>       * freepbx-modules-callcontrol:
>               * Ring Groups (ringgroups),
>               * Blacklist (blacklist),
>               * Caller ID Lookup (cidlookup),
>               * Day Night Mode (daynight),
>               * Time Conditions (timeconditions),
>               * Announcements (announcement), and
>               * IVR (ivr)

I suppose that the above two would be installed on most systems

>       * freepbx-modules-directory: 
>               * Phonebook (phonebook),
>               * Print Extensions (printextensions),
>               * Speed Dial Functions (speeddial), and 
>               * Phonebook Directory (pbdirectory) 
>       * freepbx-modules-features:
>               * Music on Hold (music),
>               * DISA (disa),
>               * Languages (languages),
>               * Dictation (dictate),
>               * VoiceMail Blasting (vmblast),
>               * Parking Lot (parking),
>               * Call Forward (callforward),
>               * Paging and Intercom (paging),
>               * PIN Sets (pinsets),
>               * Misc Applications (miscapps),
>               * Callback (callback),
>               * Recordings (recordings),
>               * Misc Destinations (miscdests),
>               * Do-Not-Disturb (DND) (donotdisturb),
>               * Conferences (conferences),
>               * Info Services (infoservices), and
>               * Call Waiting (callwaiting)

Those two seem mostly useful, but we can get along without them. 

>       * freepbx-modules-langpacks:
>               * FreePBX Localization Updates (fw_langpacks)

This one goes to the non-us repo ;-)

>       * freepbx-modules-queues:
>               * Queue Priorities (queueprio), and
>               * Queues (queues)
>       * freepbx-modules-sysadmin:
>               * PHPAGI Config (phpagiconf),
>               * PHP Info (phpinfo),
>               * Java SSH (javassh),
>               * Backup & Restore (backup),
>               * Online Support (irc),

Are the java and ssh modules free?

>               * DUNDi Lookup Registry (dundicheck), and
>               * Custom Applications (customappsreg)
>       * freepbx-modules-thirdparty:
>               * Customer DB (customerdb),
>               * Inventory (inventorydb), and
>               * Gabcast (gabcast)

Likewise: free?

(The non-free modules also happen to be the largest ones, IIRC)

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at  iax:guest at

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