Fwd: Processing of libosip2_3.2.0-1_i386.changes
Aymeric Moizard
jack at atosc.org
Sun Nov 16 12:19:58 UTC 2008
All changed applied!
amsip - http://www.antisip.com
osip2 - http://www.osip.org
eXosip2 - http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/exosip/
On Sun, 16 Nov 2008, Mark Purcell wrote:
> On Sunday 16 November 2008 04:07:03 you wrote:
>> For libtool issue:
> Sorry,
> I missed a piece of crucial information:
> W: libosip2 source: ancient-libtool scripts/ltconfig
> It is actually the file script/ltconfig which is from the older version 1.5.2-2
>>> The referenced file seems to be from a libtool version older than 1.5.2-2.
>>> This might lead to build errors on some newer architectures not known to
>>> this libtool.
>> This doesn't seems to be older than 1.5.2-2... i guess my tarball of 3.2.0
>> also include 1.5.26-4 or very close to it... What should I do!
> There is a process called "re-libtoolize the package"
> However it looks as if script/ltconfig is just a hangover and isn't used
> anymore by libtool. I think you can just remove script/ltconfig and autoconf
> still works correctly.
>> One other question about exosip2: it seems you have updated it today which
>> is good also, but do you ask me to do the same: removing the debian
>> directory from exosip?
> Yes same goes for exosip2, no need for you to strip debian/ dir.
> I only have one trivial patch, modifying the doxy options, against exposip2:
> http://patch-tracking.debian.net/package/libexosip2/3.1.0-1
> Mark
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