Package wengophone in lenny

Ralf Schlatterbeck rsc at
Thu Nov 27 14:42:23 UTC 2008

Debian lenny has a wengophone package (Version: 2.1.2.dfsg0-6)
- Are there plans to move to qutecom (I think you're probably aware that
  wengophone has changed name and is now named qutecom on
- Are there plans to use a newer version (e.g. qutecom-2.2 the current
  release candidate) (probably not in lenny but maybe in sid)?
- Is somebody working on a debian package for qutecom-2.2? I'd like to
  test out the current version as a debian package.

Ralf Schlatterbeck
Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  Fax:   +43/2243/26465-23
Reichergasse 131                        www:
A-3411 Weidling                         email: office at
osAlliance member                       email: rsc at

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