
Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Wed Oct 22 12:59:18 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:38:58AM -0200, David Faerman wrote:
> Hi
> thanks for the info.
> sorry i didnt write earlier, i didnt realiced i sent the mail to a
> mailing list.
> my boss asked me to make a deb whit asterisk 1.4.22 dahdi kernell
> modules and user tools and librpri...

We have a package of dahdi 2.0.0 . It might be useful to backport some
fixes to it, but that's a minor issue.

A bigger issue is that Asterisk has to be built (a build-time decision)
with either zaptel or dahdi and not both. This is not just something of
chan_dahdi.c . It is also for code in main/asterisk.c , main/channel.c
and several other files. So it's not trivial to handle this by multiple

Note that libpri does not depend on dahdi at all.

> i have no experience making debs, :-s
> i read some tutorials, i will ask again if i have a lot of troubles.

The first thing you should do is to be able to build from our
repository. This is done using svn-buildpackage .

I included a short howto for building from a checkout at the end of the
README (section 9). Though I believe it is not enough as I haven't
really tested it:

Next step would be to get it to build with 1.4.22 . I think that this is
best done on IRC and such.

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at  iax:guest at

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