Bug#498399: asterisk: random segfaults
Lionel Elie Mamane
lionel at mamane.lu
Tue Sep 16 12:27:00 UTC 2008
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 03:01:40PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 02:01:52PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 03:51:22AM +0300, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
>>> Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 09:04:43PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
>>>>> Asterisk seemingly randomly dies (...)
>>> (...) provide a backtrace with gdb
> I've enabled SIP history (dumping) and debug, and restarted
> asterisk. Next segfault will have more information in log.
Here it is. Note that I register to phonesystems.net *twice*, with two
different usernames; that is probably ultimately the source of the
problem, the two registrations get confused or something like that.
***************** GDB backtrace ****************************
#0 handle_response_register (p=0x74be70, resp=408, rest=0x401a1e84 "Request Timeout", req=0x401a1a50, ignore=0, seqno=1827) at chan_sip.c:12552
expires = <value optimized out>
expires_ms = <value optimized out>
r = (struct sip_registry *) 0x0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_response_register"
#1 0x00002aaab5d46aaa in handle_response (p=0x74be70, resp=408, rest=0x401a1e84 "Request Timeout", req=0x401a1a50, ignore=0, seqno=1827) at chan_sip.c:12867
owner = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0
sipmethod = 2
c = <value optimized out>
msg = 0x401a1fbc "REGISTER"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_response"
#2 0x00002aaab5d485aa in handle_request (p=0x74be70, req=0x401a1a50, sin=0x401a2f80, recount=0x401a2f94, nounlock=0x401a2f98) at chan_sip.c:15329
cmd = 0x401a1e78 "SIP/2.0"
cseq = <value optimized out>
useragent = <value optimized out>
seqno = 1827
len = <value optimized out>
ignore = <value optimized out>
respid = 408
res = 0
debug = 1
e = 0x401a1e80 "408 Request Timeout"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request"
#3 0x00002aaab5d49fd7 in sipsock_read (id=<value optimized out>, fd=<value optimized out>, events=<value optimized out>, ignore=<value optimized out>)
at chan_sip.c:15562
req = {rlPart1 = 0x401a1e78 "SIP/2.0", rlPart2 = 0x401a1e80 "408 Request Timeout", len = 651, headers = 10, method = 1, lines = 0, flags = 1, header = {
0x401a1e78 "SIP/2.0", 0x401a1e95 "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0b869aa1;rport=5060",
0x401a1ede "From: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=as053a8f52",
0x401a1f1b "To: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=c16928e0b64c75110ac550bd62be7243-f33b",
0x401a1f71 "Call-ID: 3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net", 0x401a1fb1 "CSeq: 1827 REGISTER",
0x401a1fc6 "Contact: <sip:33811956392 at>;expires=600", 0x401a2003 "Server: PSN Sip Proxy (1.1.3 (PRX3-EXTERNAL))",
0x401a2032 "Content-Length: 0",
0x401a2045 "Warning: 392 \"Noisy feedback tells: pid=15193 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 in_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net out_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net via_cnt==0\"", 0x401a2101 "", 0x0 <repeats 53 times>}, line = {0x401a2103 "", 0x0 <repeats 63 times>},
data = "SIP/2.0\000408 Request Timeout\000\000Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0b869aa1;rport=5060\000\000From: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=as053a8f52\000\000To: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems"..., sdp_start = 0, sdp_end = 0}
sin = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 50195, sin_addr = {s_addr = 658377685}, sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}
p = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x74be70
res = <value optimized out>
len = 16
nounlock = 0
recount = 0
lockretry = 100
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sipsock_read"
#4 0x000000000045ace2 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x2aaaac041230, howlong=<value optimized out>) at io.c:279
res = <value optimized out>
#5 0x00002aaab5d4e369 in do_monitor (data=<value optimized out>) at chan_sip.c:15775
res = <value optimized out>
sip = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x0
t = 1221554826
fastrestart = 0
lastpeernum = -1
curpeernum = <value optimized out>
reloading = 0
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "do_monitor"
#6 0x000000000049b76c in dummy_start (data=<value optimized out>) at utils.c:895
__cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {46912518790688, -1815358407887946130, 140733470041856, 47732563623680, 0, 4096,
-1815499232907231634, -1815357786902102418}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0x401a31e0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}
not_first_call = <value optimized out>
ret = <value optimized out>
#7 0x00002b699a7fbfc7 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#8 0x00002b699b1b77cd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#9 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
********************* more complete debug log *********************
[Sep 16 10:46:56] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 10a8876271e25301725063c8113b73d9 at sip.phonesystems.net Their Tag e3fe971527b049ab0c1e91db33fcbf5f.16
49 Our tag: as567322a1
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net Their Tag Our tag: as053a8f52
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80696
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net' of Request 1827: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Registration successful
[Sep 16 10:46:56] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Cancelling timeout 80694
[Sep 16 10:46:56] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
[Sep 16 10:46:56] NOTICE[4856] chan_sip.c: Outbound Registration: Expiry for phonesystems_net is 600 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 585 s)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] NOTICE[4856] chan_sip.c: -- Re-registration for 3220712 at sipgate_de
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de - REGISTER (No RTP)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Scheduled a registration timeout for sipgate_de id #80704
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: >>> Re-using Auth data for 3220712 at sipgate_de
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0 (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6633d122;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as66a4013b (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de> (28)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf7167d
c23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="a7dcc30a94489149bda334bb508cc796" (192)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:3220712 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER 13 headers, 0 lines
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER attempt 1 to 3220712 at sipgate_de
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6633d122;rport
From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as66a4013b
To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>
Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Max-Forwards: 70
Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf7167dc23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="a7dcc30a
Expires: 600
Contact: <sip:3220712 at>
Event: registration
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0 (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6633d122;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as66a4013b (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de> (28)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf7167dc23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="a7dcc30a94489149bda334bb508cc796" (192)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:3220712 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #-1
[Sep 16 10:47:01] NOTICE[4856] chan_sip.c: -- Re-registration for 1046788 at sipgate_uk
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk - REGISTER (No RTP)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Scheduled a registration timeout for sipgate_uk id #80706
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: >>> Re-using Auth data for 1046788 at sipgate_uk
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0 (34)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531f20bb;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as6b3ad9f3 (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk> (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1826 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf7167dc23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="af359b1990c0f267b7afaaf4d3d0af6c" (198)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:1046788 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER 13 headers, 0 lines
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER attempt 1 to 1046788 at sipgate_uk
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531f20bb;rport
From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as6b3ad9f3
To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>
Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Max-Forwards: 70
Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf7167dc23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="af359b1990c0f267b7afaaf4d3d0af6c"
Expires: 600
Contact: <sip:1046788 at>
Event: registration
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0 (34)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531f20bb;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as6b3ad9f3 (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk> (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1826 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf7167dc23132dcaf4e1e166955a0457f0b9d4", response="af359b1990c0f267b7afaaf4d3d0af6c" (198)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:1046788 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #-1
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6633d122;rport=5060
From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as66a4013b
To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.efee
Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sipgate.de", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", stale=true
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6633d122;rport=5060 (71)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as66a4013b (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.efee (70)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sipgate.de", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", stale=true (105)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk Their Tag Our tag: as6b3ad9f3
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de Their Tag Our tag: as66a4013b
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80705
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de' of Request 1827: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Responding to challenge, registration to domain/host name sipgate_de
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Initializing already initialized SIP dialog 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (presumably reinvite)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0 (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK00e54252;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as7b084c6c (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de> (28)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1828 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="6f100635c8efec1ed53f19924922c2f4" (192)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:3220712 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER 13 headers, 0 lines
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER attempt 2 to 3220712 at sipgate_de
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK00e54252;rport
From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as7b084c6c
To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>
Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Max-Forwards: 70
Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="6f100635c8efec1ed53f19924922c2f4"
Expires: 600
Contact: <sip:3220712 at>
Event: registration
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.de SIP/2.0 (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK00e54252;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as7b084c6c (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de> (28)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1828 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="3220712", realm="sipgate.de", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.de", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="6f100635c8efec1ed53f19924922c2f4" (192)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:3220712 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #-1
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531f20bb;rport=5060
From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as6b3ad9f3
To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.56bb
Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", stale=true
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK531f20bb;rport=5060 (71)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as6b3ad9f3 (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.56bb (73)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1826 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", stale=true (108)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk Their Tag Our tag: as6b3ad9f3
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80707
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk' of Request 1826: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Responding to challenge, registration to domain/host name sipgate_uk
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Initializing already initialized SIP dialog 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (presumably reinvite)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0 (34)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a54fb1c;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as1ca277db (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk> (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="2953adef0d758664ff64b7527efcbee1" (198)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:1046788 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER 13 headers, 0 lines
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: REGISTER attempt 2 to 1046788 at sipgate_uk
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a54fb1c;rport
From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as1ca277db
To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>
Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Max-Forwards: 70
Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="2953adef0d758664ff64b7527efcbee1"
Expires: 600
Contact: <sip:1046788 at>
Event: registration
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: REGISTER sip:sipgate.co.uk SIP/2.0 (34)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a54fb1c;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as1ca277db (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk> (31)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Authorization: Digest username="1046788", realm="sipgate.co.uk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:sipgate.co.uk", nonce="48cf73b168d630c96c8445033105f01cc0f62110", response="2953adef0d758664ff64b7527efcbee1" (198)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Expires: 600 (12)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Contact: <sip:1046788 at> (38)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Event: registration (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #-1
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK00e54252;rport=5060
From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as7b084c6c
To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.bffb
Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de
Contact: <sip:3220712 at>;expires=600
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK00e54252;rport=5060 (71)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=as7b084c6c (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:3220712 at sipgate.de>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.bffb (70)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de (52)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1828 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: Contact: <sip:3220712 at>;expires=600 (50)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk Their Tag Our tag: as1ca277db
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de Their Tag Our tag: as7b084c6c
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80708
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de' of Request 1828: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Registration successful
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Cancelling timeout 80704
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] NOTICE[4856] chan_sip.c: Outbound Registration: Expiry for sipgate_de is 600 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 585 s)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a54fb1c;rport=5060
From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as1ca277db
To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.ee86
Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk
Contact: <sip:1046788 at>;expires=600
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a54fb1c;rport=5060 (71)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=as1ca277db (48)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:1046788 at sipgate.co.uk>;tag=4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.ee86 (73)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: Contact: <sip:1046788 at>;expires=600 (50)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk Their Tag Our tag: as1ca277db
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80709
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk' of Request 1827: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Registration successful
[Sep 16 10:47:01] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Cancelling timeout 80706
[Sep 16 10:47:01] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
[Sep 16 10:47:01] NOTICE[4856] chan_sip.c: Outbound Registration: Expiry for sipgate_uk is 600 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 585 s)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: OPTIONS sip:lionel at;transport=udp SIP/2.0 (61)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4ac5c0bd;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk at sip.mamane.lu>;tag=as32892d7b (60)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:lionel at;transport=udp> (51)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Contact: <sip:asterisk at> (39)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Call-ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:47:05 GMT (35)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
OPTIONS sip:lionel at;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4ac5c0bd;rport
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk at sip.mamane.lu>;tag=as32892d7b
To: <sip:lionel at;transport=udp>
Contact: <sip:asterisk at>
Call-ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Max-Forwards: 70
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:47:05 GMT
Supported: replaces
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: OPTIONS sip:lionel at;transport=udp SIP/2.0 (61)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4ac5c0bd;rport (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk at sip.mamane.lu>;tag=as32892d7b (60)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:lionel at;transport=udp> (51)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Contact: <sip:asterisk at> (39)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Call-ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:47:05 GMT (35)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Supported: replaces (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id #-1
[Sep 16 10:47:05] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4ac5c0bd;rport=5060;received=
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk at sip.mamane.lu>;tag=as32892d7b
Call-ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu
To: <sip:lionel at;transport=udp>
Content-Length: 0
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4ac5c0bd;rport=5060;received= (96)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk at sip.mamane.lu>;tag=as32892d7b (60)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu (55)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: To: <sip:lionel at;transport=udp> (51)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: Allow: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,BYE,CANCEL,NOTIFY,REFER,MESSAGE (57)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:05] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (8 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu Their Tag Our tag: as32892d7b
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #80714
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu' of Request 102: Match Found
[Sep 16 10:47:05] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu' Method: OPTIONS
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c:
---------- SIP HISTORY for '000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu'
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: * SIP Call
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: 001. TxReqRel OPTIONS / 102 OPTIONS - -UNKNOWN-
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: 002. Rx SIP/2.0 / 102 OPTIONS / 200 OK
[Sep 16 10:47:05] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c:
---------- END SIP HISTORY for '000947b108998b666a219d0300bd417f at sip.mamane.lu'
[Sep 16 10:47:06] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c:
<--- SIP read from --->
SIP/2.0 408 Request Timeout
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0b869aa1;rport=5060
From: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=as053a8f52
To: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=c16928e0b64c75110ac550bd62be7243-f33b
Call-ID: 3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net
Contact: <sip:33811956392 at>;expires=600
Server: PSN Sip Proxy (1.1.3 (PRX3-EXTERNAL))
Content-Length: 0
Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=15193 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 in_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net out_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net via_cnt==0"
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 408 Request Timeout (27)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0b869aa1;rport=5060 (71)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=as053a8f52 (59)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: <sip:33811956392 at sip.phonesystems.net>;tag=c16928e0b64c75110ac550bd62be7243-f33b (84)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net (62)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 5: CSeq: 1827 REGISTER (19)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 6: Contact: <sip:33811956392 at>;expires=600 (59)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: PSN Sip Proxy (1.1.3 (PRX3-EXTERNAL)) (45)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=15193 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 in_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net out_uri=sip:sip.phonesystems.net via_cnt==0" (186)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Header 10: (0)
[Sep 16 10:47:06] VERBOSE[4856] logger.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 2cb7fba3297d98f703117b692c29680d at sipgate.co.uk Their Tag 4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.ee86 Our tag: as1ca277db
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 698fac13045230985774fb84556908fc at sipgate.de Their Tag 4fa8f7eb71cc68cca91a14abea886308.bffb Our tag: as7b084c6c
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 10a8876271e25301725063c8113b73d9 at sip.phonesystems.net Their Tag e3fe971527b049ab0c1e91db33fcbf5f.1649 Our tag: as567322a1
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net Their Tag 0dbe88d13eedc4a44f7dcba27a566b16.f33b Our tag: as053a8f52
[Sep 16 10:47:06] DEBUG[4856] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3a89d00449679ff35939e77c69e26ede at sip.phonesystems.net' of Request 1827: Match Not Found
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