Bug#522769: leaks filedescriptors

Gerrit Pape pape at dbnbgs.smarden.org
Mon Apr 6 11:24:57 UTC 2009

Package: linphone-nox
Version: 3.0.0-3

Hi, linphonec seems to leak filedescriptors.  After startup

# ls -1 /proc/31654/fd/ |wc -l

After a first incoming call (unanswered)

# ls -1 /proc/31654/fd/ |wc -l

After another incoming call (unanswered)

# ls -1 /proc/31654/fd/ |wc -l

Two of these three filedescriptors seem to be sockets for video rtp,
although video is disabled in linphonec.

Regards, Gerrit.

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