Heads up: removing OpenSER from Debian

Diana Cionoiu diana at null.ro
Wed Apr 29 15:46:25 UTC 2009

Hello Henning,

Is it kamailio or sip-router.org or how is it called this days?

Diana Cionoiu

Julien BLACHE wrote:
> Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt at 1und1.de> wrote:
> Hi Henning,
>> i wrote you some month ago a mail about the openser maintenance, but this got 
>> probably lost somehow. Nevertheless, i'm interested in providing a debian 
>> package for kamailio as well.
> Woops, I think I never got this mail indeed.
>> I've experience in debian package building, as i already maintain voip debs 
>> here in house, but don't know how to submit them for inclusion into the debian 
>> repository. Do you can perhaps provide me some pointers for this?
> You need to file ITP bugs, then if you wish you can be added to
> pkg-voip (if you aren't already) and add your packaging to the
> SVN. From there on, someone (me included) in the team should be able
> to sponsor your packages. After that you can also apply to become a
> Debian Maintainer (DM) and upload your packages by yourself (this is
> the lightweight DD status - you can apply to become Debian Developer
> at the same time or after that).
> For ITPs and other procedures, see the Developer's reference at
> <http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/> (5.1 New Packages
> covers ITPs).
> Basically, that's
>  $ reportbug wnpp
> Choose ITP, fill in the template, save, send, note the bug # and close
> it in the changelog for your first upload to the archive.
>>> If at all possible, please handle the transition from OpenSER to
>>> OpenSIPS with appropriate Conflicts/Replaces and meta-packages.
>> Ok, i'll keep this in mind too.
> For Kamailio, I started to convert the OpenSER packaging in the
> pkg-voip SVN. There's still some work to do but you can start from
> there (if they kept the same build system, that shouldn't be too
> hard).
> The transition from openser to kamailio has some tricky aspects. If
> the config files are still compatible, it'd be nice if the kamailio
> packages could rename them and use them.
> If there's anything I can help with, just ask. I think I still
> remember how it all works =)
> Be prepared to fix obscur portability bugs, maybe you remember my
> patches from back then :)
> JB.

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