asterisk binary packages?

Eloy Paris peloy at
Fri Aug 28 00:37:11 UTC 2009

Hi guys,

Asterisk has been very unstable for me, mostly or 
probably all due to (I think) #539681. My wife has issued an ultimatum 
to me: either get things stable again or take Asterisk out of the 
picture (the outside telephone line in my house is through a VoIP 
provider, and Asterisk is connected to it). was stable for me but as soon as I upgraded to crashes started to happen. I experience several 
crashes in per day. To work around these crashes I had no 
option but to enable safe_asterisk, which is something I never had to do 
until now (and I've been running Debian asterisk for a few years now). 
However, safe_asterisk just restarts Asterisk after a crash, but it does 
not remove the annoyance of missing a call or not been able to transfer 
calls, etc.

I'm actually surprised that more people don't seem to have run into the 
problem since really seems like a very bad release.

Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would happen to have asterisk binary packages available somewhere that I can use to 
downgrade to while I wait for this bug to be fixed or for new (beta4?) 
packages to become available. I've searched the Net left and right and 
can't find these old packages. "testing" has 1.4 and I don't want to use 
that since my config. has already migrated to 1.6. I'd also like to 
avoid the trouble of building asterisk from sources, if 

Thanks in advance.

Eloy Paris.-

P.S. Guys, I realize I'm running unstable and you are uploading these 
beta packages to unstable, but people running unstable sometimes use 
unstable for production-type things. What's the rationale for uploading 
a beta of something as critical as a PBX to unstable; wouldn't it be 
better to upload mission critical, non-stable, beta software to 

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