Administration interface for Mumble servers

Michael Ziegler diese-addy at
Wed Feb 18 14:00:11 UTC 2009


since I don't quite know who to write to and this list is named as 
Maintainer of the mumble-server package, I'm writing here. If this is 
not the right contact, please give me a hint. :)

I've written a Django application that administers a Murmur server. It 
can create and configure multiple server instances, manage the users 
registered and provide user registration and a channel viewer. Seeing 
that Django itself is in the repos, and no other administration 
interfaces for mumble are, I'd love to see Mumble-Django being accepted 
as all dependencies are met.
The full project is located here:

I have tested it to be very reliable, and I have already received 
positive feedback from other users too. As this is my first attempt to 
contribute anything to Debian, I expect that you will need changes to 
accept it - please feel free to tell me anything you need, and I will do 
my best to provide it.


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