Bug#527929: [qutecom] Default theme unusable
debian-bug at meurisse.org
Sun May 10 00:45:45 UTC 2009
> Yes, this is an upstream bug that has already been fixed for the next
> release.
> http://hg.qutecom.org/qutecom-2.2/rev/c18ced36a673
> However, I have added the patch for the next Debian upload.
Glad to hear some good news.
> Interesting, so you are suggesting that to qutecom.css at all would be
> better for you?
> I am not a KDE user, so I cannot really tell the difference.
> Maybe the program should have a configuration switch to set whether to
> use the css or the system theme?
In fact the modified file is not useful under kde4. The only remaining things in
it are:
- Rounded corner for different elements. Default KDE4 theme already use rounded
- To pictures. Even without the file, the pictures are used in the interface.
- some margin adjustment. I don't get this. for me the application is just fine
without them (keep it simple as they say)
- Various border color forced to gray. I think this is a bad thing. Sooner or
later you will get a bugreport "with my new custom cool grey theme, I cannot
see borders anymore"
- QHeaderView::section in white on black. This modify the look of
configuration. I don't care of that point both are ok for me.
In a general way, I don't like too much custom theme in applications:
- to avoid this kind of bug, if you start to theme, you have to theme every
single color in the application. Usualy system theme contain dozens of colors.
If you want your application to display correctly on every single system in
the world, your theme will end as big as the bible :)
- even if you manage to get a cool working theme, think about other
applications. If I choose my system theme to be yellow and red, I don't want
qutecom config in black and white.
As you say a config switch to use custom/system theme would be cool. (of course
default to system to avoid problems)
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