Bug#550947: qutecom segfaults at startup

Ludovico Cavedon ludovico.cavedon at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 19:18:46 UTC 2009

package qutecom
tags 550947 + confirmed

Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
> Il giorno sab, 31/10/2009 alle 01.59 -0700, Ludovico Cavedon ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately I am still not able to reproduce it.
>> Did you try removing the ~/.qutecom dir? Did it help?
>> Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
>>> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>>> QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate (fileName=..., version=...) at plugin/qlibrary.cpp:429
>> Can you print out the value of "fileName" and "version" for me, please?
> I did some better tests. Quite often the program doesn't really start,
> i.e., it is running but no GUI appears. This happens when I run it via
> gnome menu.

Is this not fixed with the workaround in
i.e. running with "-style plastique" parameter?

> Later on, I try to run it again, from an xterm, to check what happens.
> Until today I never checked if any other qutecom was running. Now I
> found that this problem happens when another quotecom is running.
> No, when another qutecom is running but "invisible" since no GUI is
> shown, this is what happens:

Ah, interesting!
Now I can reproduce it and I can debug it.
Thanks for the testing and information.
I'll investinagte in the next few days.


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