openr2_1.2.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Barry deFreese ftpmaster at
Mon Sep 14 15:31:24 UTC 2009

Hello maintainer,

I am rejecting openr2 mainly because the files that are (C) Steve Underwood are not covered by the LGPL 2.1+.  You need to specify the license for them directly. (i.e. include a header and path to common-licenses/LGPL-2.1.

There is also some confusion in the package, though it isn't necessarily REJCT worthy.  Most of the files as you mention are LGPL 2.1+, but the two manpages you wrote are GPL3.  Also, upstream COPYING and COPYING.LESSER are both v3.  Might be nice to get upstream to clarify all of that a bit.

Thank you,

Barry deFreese
Debian FTP Assistant


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