Web interface & redudancy for an IPBX under Debian Lenny

Henry-Nicolas Tourneur henry.nicolas at tourneur.be
Thu Apr 29 14:34:04 UTC 2010

Thanks everybody for all your replies.

Anyway, I prefer to stick with a rocksolid solution, from my experience
excluding building some SVN version (that would lead me to library
dependency issue).

So, to resume the situation, I see 2 IPBX packaged within Debian stable :
yate (1.3) and asterisk (1.4). If I really need a more recent version of
yate, could you tell me why ? 

Isn't the solution of yate/mysql + hearbeat + FreeSentral good (all with
Debian stable package) ?

If Yate 1.3 isn't ok, would it be possible to backport the version 2.2 from
testing ?


"Miah Gregory" <mace at darksilence.net> Ecrivait:
> On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 14:25 +0300, Diana Cionoiu wrote:
>> Hello Jonas,
>> No is not.
> Strictly speaking, you should probably declare your vested interests in
> Yate.. :P
> Anyway, going back to the initial request, freeswitch should be
> mentioned.
> Also consider whether a web based GUI is bringing much to the party in
> this instance. You've got fairly in depth requirements, and a GUI is
> unlikely to be able to deliver all that you need out of the box.
> -- 
> Miah Gregory
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