Bug#585904: FTBFS: "pkg-config: command not found"

Kyle Moffett Kyle.D.Moffett at boeing.com
Mon Jun 14 19:06:20 UTC 2010

Source: sip-tester
Version: 1:3.1-2
Severity: serious
Tags: sid

Your package fails to build inside of a minimal buildd chroot
environment as pkg-config is not in Build-Depends:

> gcc     \
> 	 -o sipp   xp_parser.o message.o scenario.o screen.o call.o comp.o sipp.o stat.o actions.o variables.o infile.o deadcall.o task.o socketowner.o listener.o -ldl -lpthread -lncurses -lstdc++ -lm -L /usr/local/lib -L /usr/lib -L /usr/lib64 `pkg-config --libs gsl`   
> /bin/sh: pkg-config: not found

Kyle Moffett

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