Bug#572946: qutecom: multiple vulnerabilities

Ludovico Cavedon cavedon at debian.org
Mon Mar 8 15:15:34 UTC 2010

package qutecom
tags 572946 + confirmed
forwarded 572946 http://trac.qutecom.org/ticket/195

Michael Gilbert wrote:
> the following CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) ids were
> published for pidgin.  Since qutecom embeds libpurple, it may also be
> affected.  I have not checked this myself, so please do so, and close
> the bug if you find the package to be not affected.

Yes, these CVEs affect qutecom, thanks for reporting them.
I will try and see if I get a stable version of qutecom (except segfault
at exit) working with the external libpurple.


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