asterisk-core-sounds - extra sound files of asterisk
Tzafrir Cohen
tzafrir.cohen at
Sat Mar 20 21:55:50 UTC 2010
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 09:38:13PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 08:25:17PM +0200, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:33:50PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>> I am right now working on Asterisk setup for Debian-Edu, which may
>>> involve multi-lingual support in unusual languages. Not a "typical"
>>> case, I suspect.
>> The symlinks (and potentially the alternatives) are for
>> /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/xx (where 'xx' may currently be 'en', 'fr'
>> and 'es', but can be any language code).
> Please handle alternatives for both 'xx' and 'xx_YY' style locales,
> allowing multiple mexican spanish voices to compete for the "es_MX"
> location.
The reason I have special handling for 'xx' is because Asterisk has
special handling for the LANG (LANGUAGE with the first '_' and anything
following it is removed). And more so for for 'en' which is the fallback
in case no other language was set (though a different fallback could be
set in asterisk.ocnf).
>> Thus the fact that a setup is multi-lingual has no effect on the use
>> case.
> Wrong choice of words on my part then. Please see below for more
> details...
>> What I mean by "typical" is "no more than a single set of prompts
>> installed for each language. That is, you will not have both the Digium
>> es_MX prompts package and the existing asterisk-prompt-es (which is
>> es_ES) installed on the same system.
>> And if you will, you'll likely to rely on an exact value of LANGUAGE
>> and not rely on the default. You actually may prefer the default to be
>> an explty directory.
> Let me try construct a case: A mexican school installs a future version
> of Debian-Edu:
> a) Skolelinux has a fundamental principle of a completely automated
> install process (the math teacher granted a few hours per week on
> maintaining the school computers should spent all that time on user
> issues so cannot be burdened with technical config details of
> individual service on the servers). In other words: Local admin
> should *not* do anything "simple", just start the installation.
> b) Skolelinux has a goal (reached in this future release) of being a
> "Debian Pure Blend" which (among other things) means all
> installation routines must be done in accordance to Debian Policy.
> c) Skolelinux is designed in the spirit of Debian: Even if initial
> install configures a very specific system, a local admin _can_
> derive openly from there: it is a plain standard Debian system with
> all the choices still there even if preselected during initial
> install. In other words: Selections of e.g. language packs should
> be locally extendable, not fixated through strict Depends and
> Conflicts hints.
> d) Asterisk is setup with 2 phone realms: "global" and "local".
> * The "global" realm has a multilingual menu system in a few select
> languages, being as general as possible.
> * The "local" realm is unilingual, being as specific as possible.
> You would probably then provide above system with an Asterisk config
> using e.g. "es_ES_female_Westany" for spanish part of global realm and
> e.g. "es_MX_female_Westany" for the local realm.
Where do you set the language?
If you set the language explicitly anyway, I don't see an issue.
> I would want to use "es" for global realm and "es_MX" for local realm,
> and let weight hints of update-alternatives resolve which actual voice
> is used in each case, depending on both a) which actual packages are
> installed at any given time and b) eventual local admin overriding with
> a custom installed voice pack installed below /usr/local/share/.
If you have both es_ES and es_MX, I'm not sure it's wise to trust the
alternatives that 'es' would be es_ES.
> Do my case make sense? Do you see my interest in using
> update-alternatives? Do your custom alternatives implementation cover
> above scenario - i.e. support *both* fully automated Policy-compliant
> initial setup, fully automated reelection (based on ranking) if packages
> are later added or removed, and ability to add manual ranking overrides?
> That, I believe, is what the standard Debian alternaives system
> provides.
It's more complex than what I had in mind. But then again extending it
only takes a simple symlink. Implementing all of this with alternatives
would lead to much complexity.
>> Also note that in order to do that (or to add an unpackaged sounds set)
>> a user (sysadmin) will need to understand 'update-alternatives
>> --install', which is quite more complex than 'ln -s'. This is another
>> use case I have in mind.
> You avoid addressing the issue of user messing with an area of the
> system intended for the packaging system to "own".
> Yes, it sure is easier to mess directly with the filesystem - but
> completely unreliable to then afterwards use the packaging system on top
> of a locally customized filesystem.
I've tried addressing the issue. All possible solutions I got were
>>> If you really really want another invention, then I strongly urge you
>>> to look at /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives which wraps
>>> update-alternatives in another (simpler?) ABI.
>> But my main issue is not with the command-line interface of
>> update-alternatives. It's with the data it uses. It identifies an
>> alternative by its target. This is the basic issue I have.
> Please elaborate. Maybe you know some details here that I am simply
> unaware of - I just cannot understand from the short comment right
> above.
Look at
Please explain how packages from it could be used with
update-alternatives .
This package builds 9 different binary packages:
All three asterisk-core-sounds-en-* packages install files to the same
directory. They install the same files with a different extension. Thus
they are not mutually exlcusive. And thus each of them makes that
directory a sane candidate for the symlink /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en .
(The same applies to the two other languages).
Thus I can't simply run 'update-alternatives --install' in the postinst
and 'update-alternatives --remove' in the prerm. I should only add it if
it was not already added (easy: just check) and remove it only if nobody
uses it (that's the difficult part).
I can't think of a simple and robust definition of "nobody's using it".
Something that comes close i to keep an independent registry of some
sort of all the candidate packages. Another way is to look for some
specific file in the directory. But this means I have to run things in
the postrm. Furthermore I don't like that hueristic.
Another point to mention: cyclic dependencies: if you create a script
update-asterisk-dependencies and include it in the package asterisk (any
other place?), all sound packages now depend on asterisk. However
asterisk currently depends on having a sounds packages on the system
(because otherwise a number of things seem not to work).
>>>>> Anyone who cares about those files will also care about the setup
>>>>> of them being deterministic and reliably overridable.
>>>> It's simple to override manually.
>>> Anything is possible manually.
>>> What you tell me is that Debian-Edu and other Debian Pure Blends
>>> cannot use Debian interfaces for atypical Asterisk setups, but need
>>> to add post-install hacks that mess directly with the filesystem.
>>> That's bad!
>> If you have a custom install of Asterisk with more than 2 packages of
>> the same language, I would suspect you'll set up LANGUAGE explicitly.
> Yes, I got the impression that that is what you expect of me. I just
> really really really would like to convince you to support more more
> complex setups out of the box.
> I really do not expect it to be very complex to support - the tough part
> is to recognize the need of it, it seems (from this conversation) :-)
Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755 jabber:tzafrir.cohen at
+972-50-7952406 mailto:tzafrir.cohen at iax:guest at
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