Get A Good Loan For 3% Interest Rate

REAL ASSESORIA =??Q?ESPA=D1A?= correo012 at
Sun Sep 12 15:33:27 UTC 2010

Tel: +34 698 479 774
Fax: +34 911 881 377
Email: realassesoria at

Dear Customer,

Are you in dept? Have you been denied of loan from Bank? Or do you need a
loan to pay off bills? worry no more.  Real Assesoria España, help you to change
the way you live. Securing  a loan with us is simple and straight forward, loans
from €5,000 to €2,000,000.00 over 5 to 30 years. We make the process convenient and fast.

Our interest rate is 3% APR Typical variable and this means that all of our clients
pay this rate.

All loan applicant must be able to prove trustworthy and demonstraes ability
to repay the loan under the calculated period of time.

For Loan and mortgage application, you have to send us the below information to this
email realassesoria at

1. Your Fulnames
2. Telephone and fax Numbers
3. Country
4. Age
5. Amount Needed.

Alternatively, for direct online application, please click on to
get the application form. You will be contacted by email or Phone as soon  as we receive
the above details.

Best Regards,
Dr. Vicente Sancho.
Tel: +34 698 479 774
Fax: +34 911 881 377
Email: realassesoria at

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